华慧考博英语句型:外国网友的一些 shower thoughts

2021-08-03 14:26点击次数:1705

It would be cool if after you died you could see the top 5 times you almost died.
Stan Lee's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story.
Coffee makes you hyper, but coffee shops are designed for people to chill, whereas alcohol is a depressant but bars and clubs are designed for people to be energetic.
 The internet both almost killed off the gt;postal service with email and then made it more needed than ever with online delivery.
 The spiders that live in Buckingham Palace now are probably the descendants of the spiders that lived there during Victorian times - it's a whole parallel royal family but with spiders.
The night before a day off is more satisfying than the actual day off.
The tallest person in the world has physically experienced being the exact height of every other person in the world at some point. "Ahh, I remember when I was your height…"
entirely possible that two random people on the internet have had a friendly conversation on one forum and later an aggressive hateful conversation on another forum, without ever knowing of their previous wholesome interaction.
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